The Institute for Credible Leadership Development (ICLD III) focuses on understanding the human factors of police leadership and how if used effectively, it can change the internal culture and external perception of an organization. It is steeped in emotional intelligence and self-realism, containing modules featuring:
- Advanced Emotional Intelligence
- Human Factors in Policing
- Adaptive Leadership
- Authentic Leadership
- Servant Leadership
- Credible Leadership
- Toxic Leadership
- Community Leadership, and
- Tactical Leadership
Each of these modules is designed to make students take an introspective look at how they apply leadership practices both internally and externally.
As with ICLD I & II, ICLD III contains segments from experts in the field of organizational leadership that reinforces the curriculum. This phase will tie the previous two phases together and prepare students for the practical applications involved in the program.
At the end of this Phase, students will be able to achieve the following objectives in accordance with the information received in class:
- Identify the characteristics of an Adaptive Leader.
- Describe the behaviors of Authentic & Servant Leaders.
- Outline the 10 characteristics of leadership styles of Cyrus the Great.
- Understand the relationships between good Customer Service and Leadership.
- Define V.U.C.A. and address how Adaptive Leaders effectively operate in a climate of V.U.C.A.
- Understand and describe O.O.D.A. Loop and how it affects decision making under fire.
At the end of this Phase, students will be able to achieve the following objectives in accordance with the information received in class:
- Identify the characteristics of an Adaptive Leader.
- Describe the behaviors of Authentic & Servant Leaders.
- Outline the 10 characteristics of leadership styles of Cyrus the Great.
- Understand the relationships between good Customer Service and Leadership.
- Define V.U.C.A. and address how Adaptive Leaders effectively operate in a climate of V.U.C.A.
- Understand and describe O.O.D.A. Loop and how it affects decision making under fire.
The following texts will be utilized during this course.
- Goleman, D. (2005). Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More Than IQ. New York: Random House.
- Phillips, D. T. (1998). The Founding Fathers on Leadership: Classic Teamwork in Changing Times. New York: Warner Books.
In this course you will be learning from the following instructors:
- Commander Kevan Dugan
- Commander Paul Howe
- Dr. Larry Long
- Sheriff Ray Nash
- Chief David Perry
- Dr. Anthony Normore
- Colonel (Retired) Ted Spain
- Colonel R’ami Spain
- Colonel Randy WattÂ